Hey guys..
Little late with the report but headed down to Jameah with SlimJim and Chopper. We found ourselves an open door and had a little mooch around. After hearing what we presumed was secca talking, we backtracked and headed over to the church, after snapping away here we headed round into...
This was a great little explore with The_Raw.
On the first visit some funny random things straight from the start, including being locked in by security, finding some strange torture chair, both being attacked by pigeons plus some others.
On the second visit I noticed a couple of Squibb...
The Visit
This was a great day out with Sentinel, filled with comedy moments, aggressive pigeons, a police helicopter, and a location which was far better than expected. Thanks to sentinel for always being up for a laugh in any given situation, lending me his wide angle lens on the odd...
East fortune hospital, people believe to be haunted it does have a strange silence to it but if there were any ghosties there i wouldnt of seen them was too busy taking pictures ha.
East Fortune The area is known for its airfield which was constructed in 1915 to help protect Britain from attack...
Hi all have been wanting to get in to the Ramsgate Tunnels for a very long time now so when Space Invader tipped me off that I should get my backside down there I did just that :D , So now for a little history about this amazing network of ARP's courtesy of the Ramsgate History forum.
visited with ...
wevsky, fortknoxo,one flew east ,maniac and chewbacca
a little history...
This is the Eastern end of a large tunnel complex in Snargate Street, which began as separate tunnels but were linked during WW2 for use as air raid shelters. The main part of this section is the 900ft...
During the Napoleonic era fortifications were added to Dover Castle to improve defenses. Located in the east moat overlooking the harbor is East Demi Bastion. The Bastion consists of a gun battery and a lower level looking out to sea from the face of the cliff. A network of staircases and...
Visited with Oldie, LittleOldie, Impact, Ryda and Strategy.
Sorry about the picture size, for some reason my computer converts everything to .png without asking me :evil:
Not seen this before so its good to go somewhere new, however this place is particularly frustrating, as the doorway that...