In the middle of the woods, they appear all of a sudden: giant walls and ruins as well as holes hidden beneath branchwood and covered by foliage - the remnants of an old shooting range of the German Wehrmacht (the armed forces of Nazi-Germany). Even the soil itself is still cotaminated by...
Got the coordinates for this place.
Its an old church closed since the early 60's, due to communism I believe.
A local artist has made all these ghost that represent Germans praying before the war.
Its is one of the more remote locations I have gone to, the roads to the village were just...
Atlantic wall.
Discovered these whilst driving west of Calais whilst waiting for my ferry back to the UK
No idea what this used to be - there are a few of these in the landscape & most have been taken over by the local farmers.
Open bunker 01 by Infraredd, on Flickr
Open bunker 02 by...
Morning all,
Bit of a drive from the airport this one, so after landing we drove towards it and did Villa V on the way down to the first nights hotel (see previous report on VV).
Up nice and early and got into this one. Pretty much untouched in terms of graff or vandalism and was worth the...