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  1. Crowdz

    Belgium Lost cars

    Somewhere in Belgium you can find these abandoned cars, 2 Porsches 924, a volkswagen, and a Jaguar, there is also a house where the owner of all these vehicles lived, hopefully the vehicles get saved one day.....
  2. TheBackpackExplorer


    The History Grade II listed building Griffin Lodge dates back to 1824 & was built by Blackburn cotton magnate, Thomas Dugdale who was instrumental in bringing the first railway to the town. Griffin Lodge backs onto 9 acres of land & remained owned by the Dugdale family until the mid 1930s. In...
  3. WesternKentuckyUrbex

    USA The 1888 house (aka the Pine Tree House) - Jan 2020 & Aug 2020

    I don't know much about this house other then it was built in 1888 and was abandoned in 2002, just two years after the lady's husband died. The last inhabitant died in 2007, and the current owner, her son, lives too far away to care for the house. The house has some furniture in it, but most of...
  4. tdiggle

    USA Blue Bluff House - August 2019

    Hey everyone! It's been a little over a year since my last post but I'm back again! I have absolutely no idea about the history of this place, but it looks dingy, I'm glad I brought my respirator. I'm also editing the video footage I got and I don't want to blast this wonderful forum with my...
  5. A

    Great Britain Meadrow House - Godalming, Surrey- June 2019

    Hi everyone! Been an avid post watcher for a few years on here, been posting to other sites but thought it might be time to branch out Note to anyone interested in going - Police are on high alert, have seen 2 groups taken away in handcuffs to date, vans are moving in daily removing items from...
  6. Grindle

    Great Britain Hannah's house Wrexham June 2019

    Just a sad old DERP slowly being reclaimed by nature nothing historical or noteworthy  Once someones loved home now being loved by creeping ivy
  7. Grindle

    Great Britain Plough House Farm Salop: May 2019

    very little of note about this place; shortly to go to auction All the old cars gone as well as a lot of previously posted treasure shame shame shame 
  8. EveDestruction

    Poland Abandoned house with Jaguar in garage

    Traveling through eastern Poland together we saw an abandoned house near the road. quick decision - we are entering. From the outside, the house did not offer much. The entrance was easy, only to our misfortune the house was empty, there was not much equipment in it, practically bare walls...
  9. Grindle

    Great Britain Pendleton House Salford April 2019

    Pendleton House salford very easy to get into not much to see not much to add to previous postings 
  10. jane doe

    Great Britain Dorton House School 2013

    Dorton House, formerly known as Wildernesse, is a Grade II listed Georgian mansion house in Seal, Kent, near Sevenoaks; until 2013 it was used as the headquarters for the Royal London Society for the Blind (RLSB) and as housing for the blind and partially sighted children who attended its...
  11. lucan

    Great Britain The Boot Boys House - Dec 2018

    I think ill just let the pics do the talking as im lost for words on this one , ... visted with the elusive and adam plenty of battery operated adult content , you have been warned lol thanks for looking
  12. yonaguni

    USA A Doctor's House

    I ve past this house for years.always had a car in drive way..then months ago no more car...i went to take a look.....the back dor had a latch i opened the latch and the whole door came off..big heavy door almost crushed me...well im in..i thought The door to the left lead to the
  13. Andy

    Belgium House of the football coach / Villa dell'Allenatore (visited 07/2018)

    Meanwhile, this Italian villa of a football coach is pretty well known, and several things has changed there. Only a dusty dirt road leads to it and from outside the house looks quite inconspicuous. But once again proves: Don't judge a book by its cover...! 1 2 3 4...
  14. jones-y-gog

    Great Britain House On The Hill - Wales - 2017

    This is where Henry lived with his wife Mary and their only child, a daughter. Mary died a long time ago and Henry had to move in with his daughter who looks after him. He is 98 years old. After much persuasion he finally agreed that this, the family home must be sold.  Henry was a hard-working...
  15. lucan

    Great Britain Old Tarts House , Midlands - 2018

    Spotted this while out and about so popped in for a look, not a great deal left behind In the middle of a small town on the Shropshire border Had to be fairly quiet as it is surrounded by houses Looks like its not been lived in for a couple of years A stable block out back, loads of TV sets...
  16. lucan

    Great Britain asbestos house , midlands 2017

    not much history to find on this house , somewhere in the midlands couldnt get a decent external shot due to the ammount of growth round it, the house was one of those prefab jobs made from fibre board containing white asbestos i liked the wallpaper in some rooms it was very 1970s old nova...
  17. O

    USA Old Serial Killer's House

    I stumbled on this house a few years ago right after I got my first DSLR. When I was walking around outside a passerby asked me if I saw a little girl in the window as everybody says they see a ghost there. Whatever. Went in and took a bunch of pics (quality isn't that great as I didn't know...
  18. crabb

    The new Falcon House 28th july 18

    As usual with our explores, they are never really a walk in the park. Access to the building itself was a challenge as the top area in which we needed to go was locked off completely. Thankfully, being quite adapted to the tasks at hand, we managed to ride on top of a lift to gain access to the...
  19. JohnnyThunderdrone

    I find a fake dinosaur in a big country house

    Hi fellas, a country house with many curious things to see, i hope you enjoy :
  20. Viktorija

    Cultural house in Lithuania

    Cultural house. Concert hall scene. Paintings of the 1976 cultural house concert hall walls in Lithuania.   #loveurbex 