Found this little place whilst mooching at the backend of Brongyntyn Hall; which is well underway in conversion to yuppie flats;
Not much to see really except wonderful mould and magical doorsI believe it is an old boathouse originally built in the 19th century and it backs onto the hall's man...
I totally forgot to edit these photos of a recent exploration tour. A friend informed me of an abandoned sawmill by the lake so I had to check it out. On location are many different buildings, one where a family once lived in which is not accessible for the behaved urbexer like me, as no windows...
At a time when others where building towers reaching for the sky as a show of their status and wealth
Its hardly surprising that a man who made his Fortune through mining in the late 1800
Wouldnt utilise the specialist skills available to him in the development
Of his new Luxury home and go...