wiki text: Riverside Amusement Park was an amusement park in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA from 1903 to 1970. Originating as a joint venture between engineer/amusement park developer Frederick Ingersoll and Indianapolis businessmen J. Clyde Power, Albert Lieber, and Bert Fiebleman and...
The Stratford Riverside (an apartment block) is a ‘prestigious’ new riverside development situated on the Waterworks River, near the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Once fully completed the project will be 29 storeys high and it will have a ‘striking’ glass façade. The building, which...
Hello everybody! I'm newly arrived at this forum. At first, I do not know English very well, but I try to write something about some of Russian locations. Unfot
Today we would speak about abandoned railvay station on the Volga river. This place locates near the small town Volgsky and become...