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  1. little_boy_explores

    Bradfield Water Treatment Works, Sheffield - September 2017

    History The works was built in 1913 and extended in 1954, to purify water from the Strines, Dale Dike and Agden reservoirs. In 1930 it had the first telephone installed in Bradfield and served well with the Yorkshire Water Authority taking over in in 1974. The UK’s water industry became...
  2. LeeLewis82

    Thetford Cottage Hospital

    Thetford Cottage Hospital March 2016. Pictures taken on a Samsung galaxy s6 edge no camera for personal safety (squatters and crackheads resident) A lone explore with lee... Call it bravery.... Call it utter stupidity.... I did it and alone.. The hospital thats triggered my fancy for over...
  3. Hydro

    Knostrop Water Treatment Outlet, Leeds - July 15

    So by now most of you have seen Raz's report, here my version of events :) Quick drive not so far from us and a walk through what i can only describe as a Jurrasic like British "rain forrest" by the side of the river Aire led us to a nice looking drain, it stank like hell and for a while im...
  4. Hydro

    Knostrop treatment works outlet, Leeds - July 2015

    Myself and Raz went down a cool drain in Leeds last night, read Raz's report here; Press HD - Little walk about
  5. -Raz-

    Knostrop treatment works outlet, Leeds - July 2015

    Having stumbled across a report from a couple years back and after a little bit of research later that evening me and Matt had a short drive over to Leeds to check out the "LOL drain" It's not that long but does have some nice bits and having only been in meanwood beck and the tunnels under...
  6. Obscurity

    Great Britain Foreness waste water treatment plant - report

    Ok I visited this place a while back. Its located at Forenss at Palm Bay. Currently still in use this was a live site when explored. It is owned by Sothern Water and used to treat waste water before sending it out to sea via outfall pipes. We were amazed at the size of this place, its huge and...