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An Assortment of Derp, Various Countries - August 2016 | Oblivion State Urban Exploration

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An Assortment of Derp, Various Countries - August 2016


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May 7, 2015
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I've recently been catching up on the backlog from my latest, and most adventurous trip so far. We hit many locations, but some I feel only had a couple of shots worthwhile - not enough to warrant a report, but I really did enjoy these places. I thought an easy way of sharing these beautiful places would be to place them in one thread - an assortment of derp. These were takin in Germany, Austria & Luxembourg across my trip, and aren't in any particular order - although I do have some favourites! :p

Unfortunately I don't know too much about the history of most of these places, but i'll include any i do know. I can imagine y'all probbaly bored to death of my spam recently, but I hope you enjoy these! :D

Blue Sand House
We spent the night in Czech and this was first on the agenda for the next day, so after a good night's sleep, a breakfast consisting mostly of chorizo, hot dogs and cereal we hit the road. 5 hours later we arrived here, and having been wanting to see this place for so long I was overwhelmed. I was so happy I finally got here. The house was full of sand in other rooms too - I'm not quite sure how it got there, or for how long it's been there - but it made for a nice photo.

Green Ballroom
I'd heard this was under new ownership, and he was charging for explorers for photos - I'd heard it was a relitively small amount and I was happy to pay it, considering I didn't really want to piss of any Germans. But, we arrived and he was nowhere to be seen, so, obviously we gave it a go and found an extremely awkward window. After squeezing through we had a quick look in here, but with 2 of our group not fancying the access we didn't spend long inside. The place was lovely - although it's a shame the local gaffers had been in recently.



Industrial Dancefloor
We were short on time and mid-way through another long stint of driving, so this was a nice way to break it up. It was only really this room, but it was nice - more to just get out the car and go for a mooch. Was followed by a rather large and appetising mcdonalds before continuing our drive south.


Sanatorium Elisabeth
I'd got my hopes up for this place - maybe a little too much. It's in a very sorry looking state, and once again the local graffers have been in - the only piece I sorta like is this one on the stairs. I didn't take any other photos here - but I do like this one.


Cotton Factory
This place was about a 30 second drive from another derp (pretty much walking distance) but we drove anyway! My friend had warned me of the owner - and that sometimes he is there. We jumped the gate and found a way in, and it wasn't until I was mid-way through my first shot I heard the footsteps. No doubt there was someone on the floor above, and it sounded like he was dragging something. Was it the owner? Who knows - not me that's for sure! With little knowledge of the local law and none of the language we didn;t hang around to find out. I grabbed these two photos before making a hasty exit. In the off chance I'm ever in the area I'd like to revisit, as it was a lovely place.



This was a lovely little villa we stopped by on the way to Vienna, and although rather bland it still featured a couple of nice shots. 



Forst Zinna
This was an extremely large military training camp, which had clearly been abandoned for some time. This was next door to another derp, so thought we might as well check it out too. We didn't spent too long here, as we needed to find somewhere to camp for the night and we were losing the light fast. It's not looking too good, and I'm surprised some buildings are still standing.



Maison Kirsch
This was the last derp we (successfully) done, and although rather dark, and stinking of poop it was alright. It seemed to have been abandoned for a long while now - deduced from the copious amount of stinging nettles surrounding it. And i found out the hard way, whilst wearing shots. After this followed a fail, before a rtaher long and sleepy drive back to the tunnel.



Bad Gastein
I am aware this is the town, and not a derp - but it was the whole experience that made it for me. I heard secca were on the ball here, so we spent a while casing the joint and baiting potential secca to see if they'd respond, but something didn't feel right. I only nipped inside one building for a matter of minutes to grab this handheld shot. It's clear someone had been in recently, with a rather comfy chair positioned near the main room, along with footprints and a rather new looking book. Before disappearing completely I stopped to grab a couple of shots of the town - easily one of the most beautiful places I've ever had the privilege of visiting. 




Thank you
If you've made it this far - thank you. It means a lot that you've taken the time out to read this, and I hope you enjoyed it. Once again I apologise for the spam, but I wanted to get these edited & uploaded before my next trip - or it'd never happen. 

So as always, thank you! (y)  

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Staff member
Dec 16, 2013
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Missed this somehow. Some cool looking places there dude. I love those old military camps, Forst zinna has some epic looking murals. They'll be a thing of the past in a few years :(  
