For those who is planning to go to Antwerp metro! Beware that it's Belgium, and the actual presence of trams in the tunnels might not be consistent with their schedule!
Being already inside one of the tunnels of the active line, we suddenly heard noise behind. I checked the schedule in advance, the next tram was supposed to be only in 8 min, but it was behind us now! There is nothing in the tunnel where one could hide in, so we had to run to the next station. We managed to hide there right before the tram arrived (thanks to the guy I was with, because he found a good place while I didn't know what to do
). I don't know if the driver saw us or not, but no one came to search for us.
Being already inside one of the tunnels of the active line, we suddenly heard noise behind. I checked the schedule in advance, the next tram was supposed to be only in 8 min, but it was behind us now! There is nothing in the tunnel where one could hide in, so we had to run to the next station. We managed to hide there right before the tram arrived (thanks to the guy I was with, because he found a good place while I didn't know what to do