Had a good opportunity to visit this place after a long time of wanting to, managed to score a spot to sleep on Captain Trollface and Spider Monkey's hotel room floor so we could hit it good and early.
Was stupidly thick fog that morning and would have made for some majorly haunting externals, unfortunately security are alert and mobile enough that I didn't get an op to do that. <_>
Had a lot of fun in this place avoiding the sec, they were on the ball and camped out at certain vantage points but we all did a great job spotting them first and waiting them out.
Cambridge Military Hospital was built in 1879 and closed in 1996 due to the cost of maintaining the old building and the discovery of a £$%&ton of asbestos in the walls. Pioneering plastic surgery techniques were performed and developed here on soldiers brought back from the Western Front during WW1.
Old external of the hospital from the front showing the clock tower and main building. Didn't get into the tower unfort as was locked off from our section, might be worth checking out at gourd level next time.
Smaller operating theatre lights with nature creeping in behind.
One of two remaining x-ray set-ups, amazingly the power was still working and all mechanics fully functioning, had a bit of fun in here.
The kitchen - pigeon only thing on menu today, this place was missing a roof so was well colonised. Ek.
To the wards...
The main structure was epic in scale and a single corridor linked the whole building, on the bottom floor you could see all the way to the end, on the top floor the hallways was split up but wide enough to be equipped with beds.
Children's ward.
Some sort of booth for the testing of audio skills or hearing aids.
Some rather amazing doors.
Love love love this room, they haven't come in thru the windows so not sure how they grew so fast here.
Leaving so soon?
Thanks for looking, I wrote a blog entry with all the high res pics on my site at: http://www.unexposed.photography/Visits/Cambridge-Military-Hospital. Linked back to Oblivion State.
Thanks Miz Firestorm and SpiderMonkey for having me. Cheers guys.
Had a lot of fun in this place avoiding the sec, they were on the ball and camped out at certain vantage points but we all did a great job spotting them first and waiting them out.
Cambridge Military Hospital was built in 1879 and closed in 1996 due to the cost of maintaining the old building and the discovery of a £$%&ton of asbestos in the walls. Pioneering plastic surgery techniques were performed and developed here on soldiers brought back from the Western Front during WW1.
Old external of the hospital from the front showing the clock tower and main building. Didn't get into the tower unfort as was locked off from our section, might be worth checking out at gourd level next time.
Smaller operating theatre lights with nature creeping in behind.
One of two remaining x-ray set-ups, amazingly the power was still working and all mechanics fully functioning, had a bit of fun in here.
The kitchen - pigeon only thing on menu today, this place was missing a roof so was well colonised. Ek.
To the wards...
The main structure was epic in scale and a single corridor linked the whole building, on the bottom floor you could see all the way to the end, on the top floor the hallways was split up but wide enough to be equipped with beds.
Children's ward.
Some sort of booth for the testing of audio skills or hearing aids.
Some rather amazing doors.
Love love love this room, they haven't come in thru the windows so not sure how they grew so fast here.
Leaving so soon?
Thanks for looking, I wrote a blog entry with all the high res pics on my site at: http://www.unexposed.photography/Visits/Cambridge-Military-Hospital. Linked back to Oblivion State.
Thanks Miz Firestorm and SpiderMonkey for having me. Cheers guys.
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