Chamberlin & Hill Castings Ltd have been manufacturing in Leicester since 1864 and are part of the successful Chamberlin & Hill plc group.
They produce castings from 0.1 kgs to 6000 kgs supplying product for turbines, transmissions, oil and gas compressors, earth moving equipment, vacuum pumps and more. Metal types include Ductile Iron (SG Iron), Grey Iron and Alloyed Iron. The company is also a world leader using Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI). Medium castings were done at the Leicester site.
Chamberlin & Hill Castings Ltd is the result of two successful foundries joining together. The existing company scattered around various sites company currently has 200 employees and a turnover of over £19 million. With demand for products produced here repidly decreasing the company decided to close at the end of 2016.
After seeing this pop up from AndyK! me and @hamtagger decided to venture over to Leicester, picking up @Session9 on the way!
After finding our way in relatively quickly, we made our way through the place.
The place is a nice size, dotted with various rooms used for offices and laboratories and obviously the workshops and main
There is such a vast amount of stuff still here but with only having closed at the end of last year explains why.
So much to see and we spent quite a few hours just wandering.
Doing what I normally do and venturing off on my own from the others I was happily just looking around the place. I walked up some stairs and needed the loo. I decided to just take some pics of the few rooms upstairs before going so off I went. On the way back I walked down a little alley bit to go to the toilet. On the way I heard someone coughing. I stopped and suddenly realised that they didnt sound at all like anyone I was with so made my way back downstairs. I found a little dark corner and texted hamtagger to ask if he or session9 had just been to the toilet. He replied "No!". Oh great. So I went to find them who were on the other side of the building and get that section done. Convinced that either there was someone else in there or they were playing a joke on me we actually got round alot of the place. It was only when we went back upstairs to do the offices that upon glancing outside we saw secca walking about glancing up at the windows. The offices were only right above his office.
Well, we stayed put and went right to the top. We heard him come up stairs, have another pee quite loudly and when he walked up nearly had a heart attack when he walked in to the room and saw us all stood there. Pretty friendly bloke though and kindly allowed us to walk out the front gate
All in all a great explore, definitely one I would return to.
Anyway, enough of my rambling and on to the pics.
I didnt take a crooked pic, I just liked how the labels were wonky
A lot of machines here bearing the same logo for Wadkin, the same company I believe which closed some years ago too also from Leicester.
Thanks for looking!
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