We didn't really know what to expect with this one, only found on Google Earth, few recent informations...
But life can also be surprising, and this time, it was good ! ?
Built during the 13th century and redesign during the 14th and the 18th, it was finally bought by a famous author in the mid 50's.
Well known to be a writing haven for the writer, the castle is also known to have hosted some memorable parties with memorable people : Authors, journalists even politics...
The Castle was sold a few years the death of his owner to a businessman who wanted to create a place dedicated solely to Art
But nothing happened since then...
The castle now stand, almost empty, in the middle of nowhere, waiting for a new life.
But life can also be surprising, and this time, it was good ! ?
Built during the 13th century and redesign during the 14th and the 18th, it was finally bought by a famous author in the mid 50's.
Well known to be a writing haven for the writer, the castle is also known to have hosted some memorable parties with memorable people : Authors, journalists even politics...
The Castle was sold a few years the death of his owner to a businessman who wanted to create a place dedicated solely to Art
But nothing happened since then...
The castle now stand, almost empty, in the middle of nowhere, waiting for a new life.

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