Right quick write up as its late and im knackered.This isnt where we started off intending to do,but due to a no go situation we went here ,old kids hospital been derelict a long time but it was better than nothing..AND i trod on a floor board with a rusty nail i may well lose my foot..nah i hope not heres a few pics of what we did. 
This i got me tripod outr and light painted
I like this shot ferk knows why but i do
They do like to spray paint
this was what was left of a poor bat
Thanks for looking ..we tried the chruch next door boarded up but way on top
This i got me tripod outr and light painted
I like this shot ferk knows why but i do
They do like to spray paint
this was what was left of a poor bat
Thanks for looking ..we tried the chruch next door boarded up but way on top
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