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Esplanade tunnels, Dover - Oct 2010

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Oblivion State Member
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Nov 12, 2008
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but i enjoy researching ,getting in and stupidly enuff being full of enthusiasm for my hobbies posting
I'd love to see that research Wevsky - I am sure it's taken at least an hour to compile?

For me its nothing to do with who gets in first - its about having the decency and common sense to think that maybe others would like to have a look when the times right, instead of posting on 3 forums publicly as soon as you explore it. I'm glad you have been able to tick it off your list. Sadly I, like others, had been waiting quite a few months to tick it off mine, and it seems I'll be waiting a lot longer than anticipated now.



Full Member
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May 13, 2009
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Nice photos Mike, and a good write up. Glad you, obscurity, frosty and me finally done it after wanting to for so long.

It had been open like that for ages so the opportunitys been there for any that wanted to see it, the diference being some took that opportunity while others just sat back and waited for others to do the work. If you were all so passionate about doing it what was stopping you all from going and putting the effort in yourselves? so how about if in future theres somthing you would like to explore, go and do it rather then having a bitch fit because somone else did it and you missed out on your chance because they posted it publicy! As Darkdog said on 28dl "wevskys fairly new on the scene" so he didnt know he was doing any harm! Wevsky isnt on private so obviously he couldnt post it there could he, and as soon as he realised there was a problem he PMed the mods and had it moved to members area. Rest assured that if I had posted it first I also would of done it publicy for all the world to enjoy!!! How bout you all stop crying like little girls and go and do it if ya that bothered about it. There was nothing stoping you from sweeping the needles away and crawling in!! was there?

If the entrance has been getting trashed for 2 years it was only a matter of time before it got sealed , regardless of anything else.

In a way its kind of lucky its been sealed if the crack heads have been at it, wouldnt like to think of the damage they would of caused!!

Good old English Heritage :beer: dont want any old riff raff getting in and trashing the place! (y)



The Pototao King
OS Full member
Apr 29, 2010
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Planet Thanet

but i enjoy researching ,getting in and stupidly enuff being full of enthusiasm for my hobbies posting
I'd love to see that research Wevsky - I am sure it's taken at least an hour to compile?

For me its nothing to do with who gets in first - its about having the decency and common sense to think that maybe others would like to have a look when the times right, instead of posting on 3 forums publicly as soon as you explore it. I'm glad you have been able to tick it off your list. Sadly I, like others, had been waiting quite a few months to tick it off mine, and it seems I'll be waiting a lot longer than anticipated now.
oh ryda i pm'd you ,are you of this old school elk too..research wise i spend time listening reading posts trawling the internet i go to dover several nights a week and visit potential entrances ..yes i have got in with a very decent group of people who have sometimes pointed me in the right direction the esplanades i was invited along for a look i posted publicly on 28dl after pm'ing mod..asking to be moved to private !on here in private, *********** my unfairy tale says its been like that and geting easier for 2 years bite the bullet get cuts and bruises and force yer self thru i did im 40 and not exactly skinny...all it took was some effort ..ask fortknox0 obs and frosty yes they will agree i posted to quick but as for entry we took the chance to get in and it hurt my bosy like why didnt you just make the effort and squeeze in!please get facts straigh you dont know me i do a lot of stuff that hasnt been mentioned to me yes as unfairy tale says id pmd him and didnt know much about this place i changed that by getting off my arse going to dover after doing research to look at the three entrances i know as you say isnt a competion i got in that nite with frosty knox..who by the way defend me apart from my haste with reports..try h=get me kicked off your forums ill still explore either way!



OS Full member
OS Full member
Nov 3, 2008
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but i enjoy researching ,getting in and stupidly enuff being full of enthusiasm for my hobbies posting
I'd love to see that research Wevsky - I am sure it's taken at least an hour to compile?

For me its nothing to do with who gets in first - its about having the decency and common sense to think that maybe others would like to have a look when the times right, instead of posting on 3 forums publicly as soon as you explore it. I'm glad you have been able to tick it off your list. Sadly I, like others, had been waiting quite a few months to tick it off mine, and it seems I'll be waiting a lot longer than anticipated now.
You have no idea how much time Wevsky devotes to what he does, so there's no need for sarcastic comments.

Accept the fact there are no rules to this hobby, just because that's what you would do does not mean everyone else has to follow the same ettiquette. If you want something that badly you'll find a way of getting it. Wevsky really wanted to see Esplanade, so he made it happen. If you sit around on your arse waiting for the 'right time' then it's never going to happen.

Yes posting it onto public forums was maybe not the most tacful thing to do, but to be fair it's up to Wevsky what he does with his photos considering he was the one who had the get up and go to make it happen (along with others I might add.) It would be a different storey if it wevsky ruined someone elses hard work, but he hasn't - it was his hard work so he can do what he pleases with it. It was the same with Stone house, we discovered the way in and made the choise to put it in public. If we had been told the way in from someone else who was keeping it quiet, then it would have been a different story.

I'm going to lock this topic and I'll have a tidy up later once everyone's calmed down a bit.


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