Hey everyone
Its been awhile everyone missed me
No... well i've missed you. I've been so busy recently that between work and exploring (total of 30 times and i feel like the king of Kellingley) I've had no chance to get on here and write about dangerous things for you fine people. Well as its saturday and work is dead i'm going to sit here and get paid to write a report (always a good feeling).
So on with it... On one of our Sunday jaunts out we headed outside the realm of perfection known as Yorkshire and in to Derbyshire, a county almost as beautiful but they "spek weird lark" so it can't be Yorkshire. However what Derpyshire does have is a fair few nice old buildings and mines spread around, or in some cases, both at the same place. Bonus. We went to have a look at the Gravestone tunnel first and hit this on the way back. Not the most interesting of places but its another one of the list.
History; Stolen from various reports
Rockwood Pigments Factory is located under High Tor cliffs in Matlock Bath, Derbyshire. The factory is now empty and faces an uncertain future. It is known as the High Tor Works.
Originally called Viaton, it was originally established for mining iron ore but after this was worked out in 1850 the waterwheel was used to grind white lead. At the end of the century the Via Gellia Colour Company took over, installing a turbine to drive four pairs of Peak stones which for the next twenty years ground iron oxide. Then bone char, the waste product from sugar refining, was ground until the late 1960s. Later the site was used for blending pre-ground chemically-produced colour products for use in paving slabs and other cement products. Finally the site became part of the Rockwood group.
A dodgey sqeeze
A swift selfie to finish, well thanks for looking and i'll ntry and crack some more reports out within the next few days