Great trip, not something I've seen before, was always nice to catch up with Fluff, Zombie, Maniac, Jesus and Scrimshady. Also met Mooch and his friend. Nice place, but enough with the words, herez the picz
After this we had to make a quick exit due to a change in the lighting at the top end of the tunnel that went up to the castle that we thought was someone with a torch walking around.
View over Dover Docks
Great trip all in all, would be great to go back and spend more time there.
Cheers Mooch and Scimshady
and thankyou fluff / zombie for accommodation, and thanks jesus for driving.
Peace Out (sorry for lack of pics, had to leave quickly
After this we had to make a quick exit due to a change in the lighting at the top end of the tunnel that went up to the castle that we thought was someone with a torch walking around.
View over Dover Docks
Great trip all in all, would be great to go back and spend more time there.
Cheers Mooch and Scimshady
Peace Out (sorry for lack of pics, had to leave quickly