Getting on quick with these Italy reports now. I'm aiming for at least one a day for now
This place is just massive, it has its own chapel and cinema, it's been left for many years and has become slowly wrecked over time, but amidst all the wreckage and graffiti some great stuff still stands here, architecturally the place is stunning and that's mainly what I shot it for. When we turned up we noticed a load of cars parked around, we walked up and saw the front gates wide open too.. We carried on in and we noticed that the place was being massively tourbussed! Once you got a photo lined up some randomer would walk into frame, notice you, and carry on snapping away like you didn't exist
We later discovered that this was actually an 'Urbex Tour' (God knows) and basically the guy that organises these gathers a location, makes sure it's open and then takes about 20 odd people along with him on a given date
God knows what's happened to the umbex world
Visited with AndyK!, PROJ3CT M4YH3M and Kriegaffe9.
The Chapel:
Other housey bits:
Messing around waiting for a certain Mr. Moone..
The Chapel:
Other housey bits:
Messing around waiting for a certain Mr. Moone..