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  1. MiaroDigital

    Germany Mausoleum Royal - [visit 05/2016]

    At the last Trip, we found this little beauty... 1. Mausoleum Royal Panorama by Miaro Digital, auf Flickr 2. Mausoleum Royal 02 by Miaro Digital, auf Flickr 3. Mausoleum Royal 03 by Miaro Digital, auf Flickr
  2. Paradox

    Germany The Franconians Steelworks June 2014

    The Franconians Steelworks, Germany, June 2014 Ok so Im still uploading old reports but this was kind of special to me. I was turning 40 and my birthday just so happened to coincide with a trip we (myself, Bigjobs, drhowser and Gaj UE)  had planned involving the Monte Carlo or Bust Rally...
  3. Vief

    Germany Kaserne Krampnitz - Sept '15

    Krampnitz Kaserne was a military complex, created by the Germans during the rearmament period. It was used by the Nazis until the end of the Second World War. After the war it was used by Soviet troops until its abandonment in 1992. The whole complex consists of more than 50 buildings. It was...
  4. Vief

    Germany Bath X Permission Visit - Sept '15

    I can't say anything about this one, but it's a really big place. The interior is beautiful and looks a bit of Fatamorgana. Well the pictures speak for themselves.... #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #8   #9   #10  
  5. Andy

    Germany Metal air raid shelter (visited 02/2016)

    The tunnel of a former slate mine was finally used as a bomb shelter. Someday, the shelters metal cladding broke from the ceiling and crashed down. I was asked to post the place in non public, because it should not be shared on Facebook. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  6. OverArch

    Germany Mission to Mars - March 2016

    Only a short report.. the minute we stepped inside this place there was shouting from the neighbouring properties, so it was a case of take what pictures you can and then get out! Just two shots here I'm afraid.. but somewhere I'd like to get back to if I'm in the area. Thanks for looking...
  7. Dieter Ruistocht Herreman

    Germany Hunters hotel

    A legal visit in this hotel from the 1800s, one of the most beautiful locations i ever was  
  8. Andy

    Germany Victoria Barracks (visited 02/2016)

    A well known Oldie. From 1956 to 1970, the barracks was used by the Canadian Forces. Also, the radio station "CAE - Radio Canadian Army Europe" had here its location until 1970. This was the first Canadian radio station in Germany. From 1970 to 1994 British soldiers were stationed in the...
  9. Andy

    Germany The house of the seamstress (visited 03/2016)

    A revisit after seven years ...   In this nondescript house in the woods, a seamstress lived until her death in the early 80s in modest circumstances. So there was no bath, only a (now completely ruined) toilet house in the garden, and not even a sink can be found. My first visit was exactly...
  10. Dieter Ruistocht Herreman

    Germany Hospital Btok (02/2016)

    a small hospital we visit in Germany love the small morgue  
  11. MiaroDigital

    Germany under the forbidden town... - [visit .../2015]

    Hey all,  this is a bunker in the mid of a town in east germany. in the 2 WW. offer this bunker save room for over 80.000 people... 1. under the forbidden town 01 by Miaro Digital, auf Flickr 2. under the forbidden town 02 by Miaro Digital, auf Flickr 3. under the forbidden town 03...
  12. Dieter Ruistocht Herreman

    Germany the pottery (02/2016)

    cool location, totally in love with the decay  
  13. Dieter Ruistocht Herreman

    Germany Chateau T (02/2016)

    a empty chateau with nice rooms, nothing special, but nice explore   
  14. franconiangirl

    Germany Funeral Chapel Z.

    The small funeral chapel was an accidental find. The chapel is located a bit seclusively in an area which is off the beaten track anyway. But the area around it appears to be pretty neat. The chapel hardly catches anybody´s  eyes. Only the exact observer will spot it. That might be the reason...
  15. SpiderMonkey

    Germany (Permission Visit) Schloss V a.ka. Piano Castle - May 2015

    On the second day of our three day Germany trip last year, we decided we'd hit this castle after seeing a few friends photos online. We were hoping to turn up and bump into someone and ask to take some photos, but it had turned out there was already a tour organised for some other photographers...
  16. Rody

    Germany Kaserne Krampnitz - May 2015

    On our way back from Berlin we stumbled upon this abandoned military complex. Back then I didn't know the history of this place nor did I know the name. We also didn't know that this location is huge and we only explored the first few buildings. I just recently discovered that this is kaserne...
  17. Dieter Ruistocht Herreman

    Germany Transformers factory (01/2016)

    This was a small but nice explore, not much to see, but the machines are great!!  
  18. MiaroDigital

    Germany Vacuum cleaner factory - [visit 01/2016]

    Here I show you an abandoned wire factory in Germany... My first trip was 3 1/2 years ago, revisit was 2 weeks ago. 1. Vacuum cleaner factory 01 by Miaro Digital, auf Flickr 2. Vacuum cleaner factory 02 by Miaro Digital, auf Flickr 3. Vacuum cleaner factory 03 by Miaro Digital, auf...
  19. Strange Artifact

    Germany Haus der Offizieren(2015-10) Permission Visit

    1: 2: 3: 4: 5: and 2 black and whites. 6: 7: Yes a legit location, pay to enter but we were happy we did it. Lovely buildings a lot to see. Very nice caretaker. Yeah a fun visit. Hop you like the photo's! grts, Peter
  20. MiaroDigital

    Germany White staircase

    Hey Guys, yesterday we drive to a old industry near my place... on the way - we found this building - go in and find this nice staircase, 1. top view by Miaro Digital, auf Flickr 2. microphone and screens by Miaro Digital, auf Flickr 3. look down by Miaro Digital, auf Flickr 4...