A few film shots I've taken from Oil Mills West:
I won't bother with the history as its been put on here enough.
Top 4 taken with a 8mm Samyang Fisheye, using a 35mm film it was true 8mm as opposed to my crop sensor dslr giving a reading of 12.8mm, this meant I had to crop into the...
The Ramsgate Flour Mill was built in 1865, and closed in 2005 when the site was sold by Rank Hovis to a private developer, as it was no longer commercially viable.
The mills became Grade II listed in 1988
The Ramsgate Flour Mill was built in 1865, and closed in 2005 when the site was sold by...
Visited with Space Invader,Wevsky & Swampdonkey
Oil Mills West, built circa 1800's originally used for bonded oil storage from what I believe would have been the whale trade, later became used for the military and air raid shelters during WW2
On with some pics ;)
And finally...
Right guys, Nelly has more covered this already so I wont bore you with the history bit :D , so heres my take on this awesome monument
The Oh so famous Silo "D"
And now for interior shots
What a mountain !
Shaft of death !
Cheesy Floor !
Hey Mr...
Set out for an early start with my old mate Skeleton Key and met up with some intrepid explorers from Kent by the names of Wevsky,Space Invader,Obscurity and Silver Rainbow.
The History Bit
Spillers Millenium Mills lies isolated and imposing occupying a fifty nine acre site along the Royal...
Right after the many many reports im not going to quote same history as has been done ever so well!
Myself space invader ,silver rainbow ,obscurity,Nelly and skeleton key met up got acquainted and hit this place..very early tbh..so no secca..that was the way out blocked by his vehicle and he...
Well after seeing the report on another site I had to go and boy did i get a surprise !, history has been done many times before so on with the pics... some you will have seen and some you might not have seen !.....
Indi eat ya heart out !...
This bit I didnt expect...
Visited this site with OliverGT - big thanks to him for getting in contact with me.
This was my second attempt, but first successful visit. What an amazing place, I am so glad I've seen it. Pictures just don't do it justice.
Access was fun, and once you're in there are lots of holes to fall...
After a planned visit to the winchelsea tunnels that failed to happen, myself, snaphappi and a friend from london had a play about in upper oil mills.
sparkle man_HDR by dualster, on Flickr
2011-03-05 at 12-59-18 - Version 2 by dualster, on Flickr
2011-03-05 at 12-52-02_HDR by dualster...
Went on a little road trip to Northampton today with Skeleton Key and Tstranger1066, on the way up the motorway we picked up Msaunder1972.
After an Laurel and Hardy trip (which involved me going the wrong way around the roundabout on which the Nottingham Lift Tower lives) we arrived.
Right putting the past few days events behind me myself and Unclebulgaria who unfortunately left his battery behind decided to visit both upper and lower oil mills..now I know there is in the lower so i was told a Victorian oil/fuel tank a large one as for digging for hours ignoring all previous...
Right decided with a few of the guys after they'd had a look at the oil mills upper week or so before when i just wasnt up to it too have a look at the oil mills west..interesting access as ever but once that was over come a very nice visit very huge roofs due to there at one point being 2...
After getting to dover the other night with a couple of hours to spare, me and a friend decided to go have a look at the oil mills. I have visited this site loads in the past but not since the trees had been cut down so popped up to grab some new photos. Here are a couple of pictures from upper...
the upper and lower oil mills are a horse shoue shape and have had many usages built before 19th century they were used to store oil in and as air rade shelters in the war this report is for both upper and lower as i took so many pictures i cant differetiate between them
Visited with Mitch, Swamp Donkey, Maniac and Scrimshady
Epic access!!!! funniest thing I've ever seen, sorry bout the dents in the roof of your car Maniac.
Great to see this place again, and well played mitch for getting in :D