Some pics from this once excellent, now demolished morgue that was part of the Harold Wood Hospital in Essex.
Not too many locations like this in the UK at present, few and far between!
Visited in July 2011.
Another amazing splore with SK, my first ever morgue and the first time laying on a slab but Im sure it wont be the last!
It was a brilliant day, nice and quiet, even gave secca a wave on the way out!
Not many pics, as i was still getting to grips with a new lens and lighting, so do excuse the...
Explored with 2 non members
Well this was a fun explore, we didn't know which building it was so we ended up walking around the entire site getting zapped by electric fences which was hilarious to say the least and almost eaten by horses in the neighbouring field before getting in touch with NK...
Big shout to sk for the nod !!
The mortuary was built in the 1940's as part of an institution called Botley park
And during the war years it was used for dealing with it's casualties....
Visted with Obscurity,St0rm Stealth and UrbanGinger...good day out and worth the drive and m25 crawl on...
History very nicely covered by Nelly Ill add my pics here visited with Nelly, Skeleton Key, Msaunder1972, Non Member Ben, Troglodyte, Priority Seven, Wevsky, SpaceInvader and Obscurity.
Ok on with my pics 8-)
Nice relaxed explore, my thanks again to Nelly and the...
This was a quick fly by visit to Harold Wood purely for the famous morgue.
Visited with, wait for it... Skeleton Key, Priority 7, Trog, Wevsky, Silver Rainbow, Space Invader, Obscurity and a non member called Ben. Yup 9 of us in a morgue, tripods everywhere all getting in the way of each others...