A fairly large mine in belgium with some blue water in it , I did a lot of walking and exploring and i actually don't have much pics from here ..
But a revisit will surely be planned as this is really cool to explore , been doing more and more underground explores lately and I like it
But I'm very inexperienced in underground explores so sometimes I think i'm going to get lost and stuff ...
This was also the case in this one, at first I was big mouthing my friends this isn't big , but several hours later
Blue Lagoon by Vancolen Kevin, on Flickr
Blue Lagoon by Vancolen Kevin, on Flickr
Blue Lagoon by Vancolen Kevin, on Flickr
Blue Lagoon by Vancolen Kevin, on Flickr
Blue Lagoon by Vancolen Kevin, on Flickr
Blue Lagoon by Vancolen Kevin, on Flickr
Blue Lagoon by Vancolen Kevin, on Flickr
But a revisit will surely be planned as this is really cool to explore , been doing more and more underground explores lately and I like it
But I'm very inexperienced in underground explores so sometimes I think i'm going to get lost and stuff ...
This was also the case in this one, at first I was big mouthing my friends this isn't big , but several hours later