I've visited this former state hospital site a few times and over the last few years they've torn down a few buildings and unfortunately before I was able to make my first visit the morgue and lab were two of those
. I wished I'd gotten to see them but alas...I did not. Here are a few photos from various trips. I didn't take great photos when I first started exploring and my editing sucked! Most of the buildings are rather boring and not much was left inside. One of the areas of this complex was/is a bowling alley which for years was flooded and no one was able to photograph it. However when they were preparing a building beside it to be demoed the water was removed from it. It's completely dark there so no available light except by light painting which I detest
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This building above they removed the cupolas for what reason I don't know and they are sitting behind fence at the building in the background
This building was demoed 2016.

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This building above they removed the cupolas for what reason I don't know and they are sitting behind fence at the building in the background

This building was demoed 2016.

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