Having spent hours taking / editing photos over the past week or so, it seems that I have remarkably little history to put along with report, however I deem that it would be a shame if I did not write a bit to go with the photos.
Not sure how many people on here will know about the last week or so of my life, but never fear! I'm currently bored as fuck and may delve into emotional rambling at any second, anything to pass the time!
It seems that due to; my lack of being around, lack of doing anything constructive, lack of doing anything really.. I have been having rather server arguments with the parents that I'm still having to share a roof with; (I know I know, I need to fucking move out, but I'll come on to that) have seen fit kick me out, so to speak.
In other words I've spent the last week or so sleeping on Maniac's sofa (cheers dude, love ya
) and not really done anything other then explore and watch dave. So here is the first of a number of reports I'm going to be putting up over the next week or so.
This is my problem, running a car and renting a flat funded only by student loans and a part time job simply will not work, so for the moment living with the parents is my only choice. Hence my general attitude is that I do not particularly want to be there, which is obviously somewhat resented. My lifestyle is also not massively liked either, constantly ditching uni work for the next explore, or climbing, or anything at all come to think of it.
My problem is motivation, I have none, at all... The number 1 priority in my life at this current point in time is UE, thats really quite sad isn't it? So I have decided that after I finish up with uni, (if I finish) I am going to devote my life to it...
It can only be the next logical step... Previously in life I have wanted a secure job, money, cars, nice house etc, and until I was my redundant from architecture I was well set to achieve this. However going from copious amounts of the green stuff to nothing in the space of a week can change perspectives..
I can no longer see myself completing the same mind numbing routine every day. I constantly seek change, any excuse to get away from everything, no longer caring about money, cars, jobs etc.
I guess all I want in life is to be free...
Probo ftw!!
Either that or a girlfriend
Not sure how many people on here will know about the last week or so of my life, but never fear! I'm currently bored as fuck and may delve into emotional rambling at any second, anything to pass the time!
It seems that due to; my lack of being around, lack of doing anything constructive, lack of doing anything really.. I have been having rather server arguments with the parents that I'm still having to share a roof with; (I know I know, I need to fucking move out, but I'll come on to that) have seen fit kick me out, so to speak.
In other words I've spent the last week or so sleeping on Maniac's sofa (cheers dude, love ya
This is my problem, running a car and renting a flat funded only by student loans and a part time job simply will not work, so for the moment living with the parents is my only choice. Hence my general attitude is that I do not particularly want to be there, which is obviously somewhat resented. My lifestyle is also not massively liked either, constantly ditching uni work for the next explore, or climbing, or anything at all come to think of it.
My problem is motivation, I have none, at all... The number 1 priority in my life at this current point in time is UE, thats really quite sad isn't it? So I have decided that after I finish up with uni, (if I finish) I am going to devote my life to it...
It can only be the next logical step... Previously in life I have wanted a secure job, money, cars, nice house etc, and until I was my redundant from architecture I was well set to achieve this. However going from copious amounts of the green stuff to nothing in the space of a week can change perspectives..
I can no longer see myself completing the same mind numbing routine every day. I constantly seek change, any excuse to get away from everything, no longer caring about money, cars, jobs etc.
I guess all I want in life is to be free...
Probo ftw!!
Either that or a girlfriend
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