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Great Britain - One Mans Nuclear Bunker may 2020 | Oblivion State Urban Exploration

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Great Britain One Mans Nuclear Bunker may 2020


The Pototao King
OS Full member
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
Planet Thanet
This is a unique little Bunker, there is no history no photographs and nothing of any worth actually documented online, in fact the only brief mention is on a very obscure website which talks about various Philosophers/Authors who are no longer with us and it mentioned the fact the owner, who died 8 years ago built this. The only other mention I can find is on the various planning applications online to demolish the house outbuildings and Bunker ,the first one denied and the revised one running now which has passed the “comments and objections” stage back in march and of the latest amendment it seems no one objects and it is “Recommended to Grant subject to conditions and the completion of a Legal Agreement” ,so as you can imagine time is not on this bunkers side.

The location of the bunker is set in an ancient woodland with it's own man made lake and is in the area of a rather nice house with a massive pool, outbuildings and workshops etc, the house is one of the Goontubers hotspots and ive seen a video of people setting off alarms trying to get in with the usual amount of clickbait bullshit to go with it, yet none of them seems to have found or managed to enter the bunker itself, that or none of them have applied google which would reveal that one mention of the word “Bunker”..

So with the world being in a bit of a chaotic state with Covid 19 i was in two minds as to get down here, but it really won't be here much longer ,so we put it off and waited and arranged a date when things where due to be relaxed yet again.

I can not sadly take any credit for finding this place , that was a bloke I know who lives local who saw the Goontubers video and realised he wasn't far away, this chap did some research and after a look about the property found what he was looking for, keen to get it documented and photographed he gave me a shout. So on our set date we met up (at a safe distance) and cracked on..

It isn't massive but it is said to be the largest privately owned Nuclear bunker in the UK at time of building which would have been in the 80's . There is supposedly a TV documentary from the 80's showing this bunker and the rather eccentric chap who built it, but I have not had any luck finding this anywhere online.

From what we can gather no one has set foot in here for decades,The owner and his son built it , kitted it out with supplies and pretty much left it as it was.

Pics,well it's not huge , I do have a few where I must have knocked the focus ring but being blind as a bat didn't spot this till I got home, so a few will be of the same room from a different view and yes its Fisheye Overkill !
Have to say really enjoyed this one, the access is amusing and it's a glimpse into the mind of an eccentric conspiracy theorists who spent his life researching and writing about some very odd theories. How it would have held up in an actual fall out situation I don't know, and there's enough bunks down here for 16 people , so I don't think it would have been much fun spending too much time in here..

Visited with that chap Obscurity , and the really decent bloke who I know who cared to share this with me

















The Pototao King
OS Full member
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
Planet Thanet
Oh wow that's very nice! Fisheye shots work well here.
Fisheye was the way forward, it's a pretty small place and considering the amount of bunks i wouldnt want a full house in there during a fall out situation


The Pototao King
OS Full member
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
Planet Thanet
Really like this, very clean. Hope it stays that way for a while.
If the goontubers actually find it or the kids manage to openit then i doubt it will, it's all going in landfill soon enough which is why i had to get down to it and document it