At the weekend The_Raw & extreme_ironing were visiting me together with a friend in Germany.
Saturday morning Miaro Digital and another friend joined the group, and our two-day trip to France & the Black Forest could start.
Here are some pics from the weekend-tour.
1. (Me inside a former mine; later, during the war, among others used as a place for storing military weapons & ammunition. - It was difficult to properly expose this photo. Only possible with high ISO, long exposure time and additional, indirect light of two torches. In reality, it was very dark despite the light shaft.)
2. (Above the bunker of W., part of Maginot Line. I didn't expect how big the system is underground. Photos are coming soon.)
The_Raw (2. from the left), extreme_ironing (3. from the left), Miaro Digital (2. from the right) und me (on the right).
3. (A well-known german paper mill.)
7. (The fallback when the belt breaks on tour.

12. (A final farewell photo. - The freezing Miaro Digital has already been outside in the sun.)